I have been asked to play a bink video in Unity. I googled a lot and couldn’t find any solution. Then I decided to write my own one and here is my solution to integrate Bink video into Unity.
internal static class BinkNativeMethods
public const ulong BINKOLDFRAMEFORMAT = 0x00008000L; // using the old Bink frame format (internal use only)
public const ulong BINKCUSTOMCOLORSPACE = 0x00010000L; // file contains a custom colorspace matrix (only internal now)
public const ulong BINKNOYPLANE = 0x00000200L; // Don't decompress the Y plane (internal flag)
public const ulong BINKWILLLOOP = 0x00000080L; // You are planning to loop this Bink.
public const ulong BINKYCRCBNEW = 0x00000010L; // File uses the new ycrcb colorspace (usually Bink 2)
public const ulong BINKHDR = 0x00000004L; // Video is an HDR video
public const ulong BINK_SLICES_2 = 0x00000000L; // Bink 2 file has two slices
public const ulong BINK_SLICES_3 = 0x00000001L; // Bink 2 file has three slices
public const ulong BINK_SLICES_4 = 0x00000002L; // Bink 2 file has four slices
public const ulong BINK_SLICES_8 = 0x00000003L; // Bink 2 file has eight slices
public const ulong BINK_SLICES_MASK = 0x00000003L; // mask against openflags to get the slice flags
internal static extern void BinkClose(IntPtr Bink);
internal static extern IntPtr BinkOpen(string name, BINK_OPEN_FLAGS flags);
internal static extern string BinkGetError();
internal static extern IntPtr BinkDoFrame(IntPtr Bink);
internal static extern int BinkWait(IntPtr bink);
internal static extern void BinkNextFrame(IntPtr bink);
internal static extern int BinkCopyToBuffer(IntPtr bink, byte[] dest_addr, int dest_pitch, uint dest_height, uint dest_x, uint dest_y, BINK_COPY_FLAGS copy_flags);
public struct BINK
public int Width;
public int Height;
public uint Frames;
public uint FrameNum;
public uint FrameRate;
public uint FrameRateDiv;
public uint ReadError;
public BINK_OPEN_FLAGS OpenFlags;
public BINKRECT FrameRects;
public uint NumRects;
public uint FrameChangePercent;
public struct BINKRECT
public int Left;
public int Top;
public int Width;
public int Height;
public enum BINK_OPEN_FLAGS : ulong
BINKFILEOFFSET = 0x00000020L, // Use file offset specified by BinkSetFileOffset
BINKFILEHANDLE = 0x00800000L, // Use when passing in a file handle
BINKFROMMEMORY = 0x04000000L, // Use when passing in a pointer to the file
BINKNOFRAMEBUFFERS = 0x00000400L, // Don't allocate internal frame buffers - application must call BinkRegisterFrameBuffers
BINKUSETRIPLEBUFFERING = 0x00000008L, // Use triple buffering in the framebuffers
BINKSNDTRACK = 0x00004000L, // Set the track number to play
BINKDONTCLOSETHREADS = 0x00000040L, // Don't close threads on BinkClose (call BinkFreeGlobals to close threads)
BINKGPU = 0x00000100L, // Open Bink in GPU mode
BINKNOSKIP = 0x00080000L, // Don't skip frames if falling behind
BINKPRELOADALL = 0x00002000L, // Preload the entire animation
BINKALPHA = 0x00100000L, // Decompress alpha plane (if present)
BINKGRAYSCALE = 0x00020000L, // Force Bink to use grayscale
BINKFRAMERATE = 0x00001000L, // Override fr (call BinkFrameRate first)
BINKSIMULATE = 0x00400000L, // Simulate the speed (call BinkSim first)
BINKIOSIZE = 0x01000000L, // Set an io size (call BinkIOSize first)
BINKNOFILLIOBUF = 0x00200000L, // Don't Fill the IO buffer (in BinkOpen and BinkCopyTo)
BINKIOPROCESSOR = 0x02000000L, // Set an io processor (call BinkIO first)
BINKNOTHREADEDIO = 0x08000000L // Don't use a background thread for IO
public enum BINK_COPY_FLAGS : ulong
BINKGRAYSCALE = 0x00020000L, // Force Bink to use grayscale
BINKNOSKIP = 0x00080000L, // Don't skip frames if falling behind
BINKYAINVERT = 0x00000800L // Reverse Y and A planes when blitting (for debugging)
public class BinkPlayer : MonoBehaviour
BinkNativeMethods.BINK bk;
Texture2D texture;
IntPtr bink;
byte[] buffer;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
bink = BinkNativeMethods.BinkOpen("sample.bk2", 0);
bk = Marshal.PtrToStructure<BinkNativeMethods.BINK>(bink);
texture = new Texture2D(bk.Width, bk.Height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
var renderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
renderer.sprite = Sprite.Create(texture, new Rect(0, 0, bk.Width, bk.Height), Vector2.zero);
buffer = new byte[bk.Width * 4 * bk.Height];
private void Update()
if (bink != IntPtr.Zero && BinkNativeMethods.BinkWait(bink) == 0)
// do you stuff here
BinkNativeMethods.BinkCopyToBuffer(bink, buffer, bk.Width * 3, (uint)bk.Height, 0, 0, BinkNativeMethods.BINK_COPY_FLAGS.BINKSURFACE32RGBA);
The complete Unity project also can be found at my github.
Is there a way to get this working for Bunk 1? I’ve tried adapting it for binkw64, but the script is looking for a .Bk file and Bink 1 seems to only support .bik. Thanks in advance.
As long as you have Bink1 SDK, you should be able to hook up with PInvoke similar in my post.
Would you please explain why you multiply the width by 4 when you set the buffer variable, but multiply the width by 3 when you call the native BinkCopyToBuffer() function? And, more generally why do the BINK and BINKRECT structs have their own values for width and height?
The bink video we used are RGBA format, and it takes 4 bytes for each pixel.
It could be a mistake here.
The BINK and BINKRECT are the internal data definitions of Bink.